
The FDA found once-at-bedtime LUMRYZ dosing to be clinically superior* to twice-nightly oxybates1

*Based on a determination of Orphan Drug Exclusivity by the FDA Office of Orphan Products Development between LUMRYZ and XYREM or XYWAV. There are no head-to-head data for LUMRYZ and XYREM or XYWAV.

Approval Date



NDA 214755


Flamel Ireland Limited dba Avadel Ireland


LUMRYZ (sodium oxybate) for extended-release oral suspension

Orphan Designation

Treatment of narcolepsy

Approval Labeled Indication

Treatment of cataplexy or excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in adults with narcolepsy

Exclusivity Protected Indication

Treatment of cataplexy or excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in adults with narcolepsy

Summary of Clinical Superiority Findings

The active moiety, oxybate, was previously approved as XYREM (sodium oxybate) and XYWAV (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium oxybates) for the treatment of cataplexy or EDS in adults with narcolepsy. The benefits of LUMRYZ's once-nightly dosing rise to the level of making a major contribution to patient care because LUMRYZ's dosing provides for oxybate therapy that does not involve disrupting or fragmenting sleep, whereas XYREM and XYWAV necessitate a nocturnal awakening to take a second dose, which disrupts sleep architecture in patients with a known sleep disorder. Aside from the medical benefits of not having to awaken to take a second dose, it is inherently more convenient, easier, and less burdensome for patients to forgo awakening to take a second dose on a nightly basis. Importantly, this is in the context of a chronic neurological condition that requires potentially lifelong treatment.


  1. Reference: 1. US Food and Drug Administration. Clinical superiority findings. Accessed May 1, 2023.