Identifying Patients

Switch to and start on LUMRYZ.

Patients were compensated by Avadel Pharmaceuticals to share their stories. Individual results may vary.


living with NT1,
switched to LUMRYZ


living with NT2,
switched to LUMRYZ


living with NT1,
switched to LUMRYZ

Wendy patient profile image

Meet Wendy
living with NT1, switched to LUMRYZ

Wendy’s treatment journey

AGE 12

Wendy's first cataplexy attack

"I was laughing and jumping on the bed, and then dropped to the floor. After I could move again, I told my mother. She thought I was making it up."

AGE 12

Wendy is told her symptoms are psychosomatic

"I spent a week in the hospital after a cataplexy attack and was told nothing was wrong with me. I thought everybody was right and I knew nothing."

AGE 37

Wendy is diagnosed with narcolepsy

"After 25 years and so many misdiagnoses, I was told I had narcolepsy and was put on a stimulant to treat my EDS."

AGE 37

Wendy struggles to find the right treatment regimen

"Every 6 months we would raise the dose or switch to another stimulant. They helped me stay awake—but staying awake meant being in a fog all the time. And I was still having symptoms of cataplexy."

Wendy starts researching oxybate therapies

AGE 43

Wendy starts on twice-nightly sodium oxybate

"My doctor prescribed a twice-nightly oxybate. I woke up one day after taking it and for the first time in 8 years, I didn't have a cataplexy spell. I wasn't as sleepy. I was awake enough to attend my college classes. I finished my degree."

AGE 43

Wendy faces challenges due to EDS

"I kept struggling with the second dose and feeling sleepy the next day. Employers wouldn't recognize my hard work because I took so many naps. They thought I was lazy."

AGE 53

Wendy joins the LUMRYZ clinical trial

"After having trouble managing the middle-of-the-night dose for so long, I needed another option besides twice-nightly."

AGE 53

Do you have patients like Wendy who may benefit from switching to—or starting with—once-at-bedtime LUMRYZ?


Since starting once-at-bedtime LUMRYZ, I feel less sleepy and more awake during the day. I can watch movies with my husband and paint without falling asleep and getting paint all over my clothes.

NT1, narcolepsy type 1; NT2, narcolepsy type 2.

Katie patient profile image

Meet Katie
living with NT2, switched to LUMRYZ

A typical day on twice-nightly oxybates

9 PM
Katie takes her first dose
2:30 AM
Katie realizes she has slept through her alarm and must decide between a late dose or a skipped dose.
"I had to start crunching numbers, which is not a game you want to play at very early hours."

Late dose

Skipped dose

8:00 PM
Katie worries about sleeping through her alarm and taking the second dose late again, because she wants to be awake for all of her classes the next day.
"I didn’t tell my doctor about my challenges because I felt ashamed. I thought I was the only one who struggled with twice-nightly dosing. I was scared I would lose access to my treatment if I complained."

How are you maintaining an open dialogue with patients about the potential challenges with taking middle-of-the-night dosing?


Once-at-bedtime LUMRYZ for me means I go to sleep and the only thing I have to think of is what I’m going to be doing the next day. I’m not falling asleep in the morning, so I like to make myself breakfast and drive to class.

Tyler patient profile image

Meet Tyler
living with NT1, switched to LUMRYZ

Growing up with narcolepsy


"I was constantly sleepy, and 2 minutes into a basketball game my legs would start feeling like jelly. It was frustrating, because I had been planning to go to college on a sports scholarship."


"My mom mentioned I would nap while my friends played soccer outside, and that led my doctor to recommend a sleep study."


"My sleep specialist recommended starting with twice-nightly sodium oxybate.
I noticed a difference soon after starting. I didn’t struggle as much to stay awake while reading."


"My mom had to wake me up every night, or else I wouldn’t get up to take the second dose in the middle of the night as prescribed."

"My sleep specialist recommended starting with twice-nightly sodium oxybate.
I noticed a difference soon after starting. I didn’t struggle as much to stay awake while reading."


"My mom had to wake me up every night, or else I wouldn’t get up to take the second dose in the middle of the night as prescribed."


"When I started college, I had to have a single room so I wasn’t burdening anyone else. But that also meant I had no one to help me take the middle-of-the-night dose."


"It was a huge relief that my sleep specialist listened to me and heard my challenges with taking twice-nightly dosing so we could explore other options."

Do you have patients like Tyler who may have family members who are impacted by their current treatment regimen?


Since taking once-at-bedtime LUMRYZ, I feel awake when I spend time with friends and do my homework. My cataplexy attacks have also mitigated, so I’m not focused on my cataplexy when I play pick-up games of soccer or basketball.

Once-at-bedtime dosing for me means not relying on someone else to help me wake up in the middle of the night to take a second dose—now I have a roommate, and I’m not worried about waking them up every night.

NT1, narcolepsy type 1; NT2, narcolepsy type 2.

How might once-at-bedtime LUMRYZ make an impact for patients in your practice?

Patients experiencing inadequate treatment response on their current medication may be appropriate to switch to a single-dose sodium oxybate with daytime improvement in EDS and cataplexy.1-3

Person with two doses icon

Currently taking twice-nightly sodium oxybate

Consider asking patients:

How many times a week are you missing your second dose?

Select the nearest equivalent dose of LUMRYZ1

  • For example, 7.5 g of LUMRYZ is approximately 2 doses of 3.75 g twice-nightly sodium oxybate

What would have helped me is being asked something like: ‘Some people may struggle with twice-nightly dosing, is this a challenge for you?’
—Katie, NT2

Person icon

Oxybate-naïve or previous sodium oxybate history

Consider asking patients:

How is your current treatment managing your daytime symptoms?

Titrate gradually based on efficacy and tolerability1

  • Increase from recommended starting dose of 4.5 g by 1.5 g per night at weekly intervals based on efficacy and tolerability
  • The recommended dosage range is 6 g to 9 g per night. Doses higher than 9 g per night have not been studied and should not ordinarily be administered

If I had known about sodium oxybate when I was diagnosed, I would have wanted to discuss it as an option with my sleep specialist.
—Wendy, NT1

Watch to hear more from Wendy, Katie, and Tyler about their experiences with LUMRYZ

Watch a video on their narcolepsy journey

Get a Sample Letter of
Medical Necessity

Utilize the Dosing and
Titration Guide


  1. References: 1. LUMRYZ (sodium oxybate for extended-release oral suspension). Prescribing Information. Chesterfield, MO: Avadel Pharmaceuticals. 2. Kushida CA, Shapiro CM, Roth T, et al. Once-nightly sodium oxybate (FT218) demonstrated improvement of symptoms in a phase 3 randomized clinical trial in patients with narcolepsy. Sleep. 2022;45(6):1-11. 3. Thakrar C, Patel K, D’ancona G, et al. Effectiveness and side-effect profile of stimulant therapy as monotherapy and in combination in the central hypersomnias in clinical practice. J Sleep Res. 2018;27(4):e12627. doi:10.1111/jsr.12627